Owen Brooks
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Drag'n'drop File Conversion with Selenium & Python
“SELENIUM is a free (open-source) automated testing framework used to validate web applications across different browsers and platforms.”[1] It can be especially useful in the automation of file conversion websites where a user uploads their file in one format and then downloads the converted file in the desired format.
Fall 2019
Tuesday concluded the Fall quarter of my senior year at Drexel University. I will run through some of the interesting classes I took this term and provide links to the code I wrote for them.
What It Was Like To Co-op at Comcast
This summer I worked as a Data Engineering Co-op for Comcast. During the 6-month cycle I learned a lot about programming, data, and what its like to work for a massive corporation like Comcast. Looking back, my position was kind of unique. Unlike the other co-ops I did not participate...
Decorators in Python
A decorator is a function that takes another function as a input, and does something with it. Say we have two functions:
Web Scraping with Beautiful Soup
Web scraping is the targeted collection of data from a website. Recently, web scraping made major headlines when a programmer was able to scrape LinkedIn, and identify employees of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Read the Vice artice here. While this is not the most ethical example of its use;...