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Tuesday concluded the Fall quarter of my senior year at Drexel University. I will run through some of the interesting classes I took this term and provide links to the code I wrote for them.

CS375 - Application Development

This class begins by teaching the basics of the web. Halfway through it switches to JavaScript, Node.JS, and MYSQL. For the final project, my team and I created a web application that allows programmers to find projects they might be interested in working on. The Github link for this can be found here.

ECE487 - Pattern Recognition

This class attempted to teach many of the machine learning algorithms starting with linear classifiers and ending with things like CNNs and ensemble learners. For the final project, my partner and I obtained a UFC fights dataset. We set out to do a comparison of models for the task of sports prediction. Our notebooks, as well as the papers we wrote, can be found here.

CS472 - Computer Networks

This class, similar to some I have had in the past, teaches different aspects of computer networking. For the assignments, we had to implement the FTP protocol in python. This gave me more experience with sockets programming and threading. The code for the FTP client and server can be found here and here.

Looking ahead to next term, I will only be taking two classes: senior design and computational photography. To fill my extra time, I accepted a job as a Junior Software Developer at CRED iQ. CRED iQ is a real estate analytics startup that focuses primarily on commercial real estate evaluation. You can check out their web site here.

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Owen Brooks



Owen Brooks

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